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Undead Manscorpion

With this purchase you get:
- Undead Manscorpion miniature.
- a round scenic base.
- Printed from a high resolution Resin 3D printer.

This miniature is from April’22 Release: "Ancient Spirit of Evil".


"Those who dared to oppose the pharaoh'swill during their lifetime were considered traitors.
Their punishment was to take their lives during a terrifying ritual performed by the Queen and Hierophants.
Their bodies were connected with the corpses of giant scorpions inhabiting the deserts at the outskirts of the land.
These obscene abominations were also included in the Rite of Passage to warn all those who dare to oppose the ruler's will of imminent consequences. After being returned to the mortal realms, these abominations were compelled to atone for their betrayals by eternally guarding the place where the pharaoh had awakened again and would be transformed into Ever Living."

Undead Manscorpion

16,00 €Price
    • Suitable for tabletop games of 28-32mm scale.
    • Multy part miniature, minor assembly needed.
    • Printed in high resolution Resin 3D printer.
    • Support structure removed & UV cured.
    • Delivered unpainted.
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